来自:欧冠资讯 www.cnfcp.com 时间:2024年07月03日 14:45


我非常高兴地宣布:我和我的马儿们,已经正式入选中国马术国家队出征第33届法国巴黎夏季奥林匹克运动会。作为一名中国运动员🇨🇳,能代表中国队出赛奥运会是我的无限荣光,这也将会是我第四次参加奥运会🫶。 我在此感谢中国马术协会、上海马术协会、我的马主、合作伙伴以及我马房的团队,感谢他们所有的支持和努力。也要特别感谢和我一直并肩同行的好搭档们:巧克力(Chocs)、三哥骐骥(Chicko)、海王(Stig)以及孛儿帖(Jessie)。

Paris, here we come!

I am delighted to announce that my horses and I have been selected to represent the Chinese equestrian team at the 33rd Summer Olympic Games in Paris, France. As a Chinese athlete🇨🇳, it is an immense honor to represent China at the Olympics - this will be my fourth 🫶. I would like to thank the Chinese Equestrian Association, the Shanghai Equestrian Association, my horse owners, partners and my team at Pinfold Stables for all of their support and hard work. A special thank you to my four legged partners who have given me so much: Chocs, Chicko, Stig and Jessie.

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