本泽马伤别卡塔尔 外国网友吐槽:吉鲁又要0进球拿冠军了
来自:西甲资讯 www.cnfcp.com 时间:2022年11月20日 17:07


TheLimeyLemmon(利物浦球迷):**的,伤病阵容都能夺冠了。(Fucking hell, Injured XI is genuinely a contender.)

Reo_ianu(热那亚球迷):罗伊斯过去十年稳稳占据着该阵容的首发位置。(Reus has been a regular starter for injured XI for like a decade now.)

doshsz(布拉格斯巴达球迷):难怪他的偶像是我们罗西基。(well, it's no coincidence that his role model was Rosicky.)

schafkj(未知主队球迷):博格巴的巫医已经收不住手了。(Pogba’s witchdoctor is out of control.)

HelloMyNameIsGeoff(未知主队球迷):吉鲁又要0进球拿世界杯冠军了。(Giroud to win another WC without scoring incoming.)

ZeroAika99(马来西亚帕拉克球迷):别说进球了,如果我没记错的话,上届世界杯他一脚射正都没有。(Don't say scoring, iirc he doesn't even have any shot on target in the previous WC.) 注:马来西亚老哥记性雀食不错。

perhapsasinner(未知主队球迷):这是为欧冠和金球献祭了。(The sacrifice for that UCL performance as well as Ballon D'or.)

88TheBestCrow88(曼联球迷):每过一天,我都更加坚信决赛的对手会是葡萄牙对阿根廷。(Day by day I actually believe Portugal vs Argentina Final could happen.)

notathrovavay(枪手球迷):皇马1月份得买新前锋了。(RM needs a new striker in January.)


mgonoob(未知主队球迷):本赛季55脚射门2球的前锋?完美!(2 goals in 55 shots so far this season? Perfect!)

iBrunx(未知主队球迷):C罗到时候应该是自由身了吧。(Ronaldo as a free agent anyone?)


标签: 吉鲁

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